A: Little George P2P has hundreds of self accredited high net worth individuals, individual Venture Capitalists, Venture Capital firms, and Individual Intelligent investors registered to us right now actively seeking to invest into seed capital for leading edge start-ups to growth capital for profitable established mature businesses. Further, we have a range of Intelligent investors, Intelligent investment groups, and intelligent syndicates all subscribing to investment deal flow from GEL.
We have gone through great lengths to build our intelligent investor database and advertised and spent millions of Naira on sites targeting shareholders who have an average share portfolio of N100m. It has taken a while to build up our database. Building a database and grooming a database of HNWI’s is an expensive process, and we have steadily grown and groomed our database.
The goal of Little George P2P is to create the Africa’s largest Entrepreneur intelligent investment network. Intelligent investment has traditionally been seen as a local proposition, i.e. an intelligent investor would only usually invest in his/her chosen city or country. But with the constant evolution of communication technology we are seeing the landscape of intelligent investing changing, and we want to ride this wave as more and more investors seek to invest internationally.