Will you just post my proposal on your website and hope that I get the investor contacts?
A: No!
We are very pro-active in what we do and with all of the investment proposals we receive from entrepreneurs. Once you have registered, our easy to use template will get us your investment proposal for review.
If for whatever reason your investment proposal is not satisfactory, we will always offer help and guidance to get it to a standard that we feel will help you increase your chances of attracting investor interest.
If it is up to a satisfactory standard, and meets our criteria, as well as posting your investment proposal on the Little George P2P network – we will also send your investment proposal out to every single investor that has an interest in investing in your industry/sector, investment range and town.
We will never mass-spam your investment proposal to our investor database, as it simply is not in our interest to do this, as the investors will quickly close their accounts with us!
Instead, we prefer to listen to every investor’s investment requirements and ask him or her questions like what they are interested in investing in, and the most revealing question – what they are not looking to invest into.
From this information we build an investor profile, and if we feel that your investment proposal would serve their interests – we send it to them. If we do not feel it will be of interest, we do not send your proposal to them. Simple, and we have found this works best for all parties.
When an interesting investment proposal does come up – we also pick up the phone and ring around to make sure that the right investors have received the investment proposal and we can then gauge their interest. If it is of interest to them for the purposes of investment, they make contact!